I was here


Welcome to My World.....thank you Justin Bieber.

I got home from the first Justin Bieber's concert. I had no voice at all...and I was so excited that couldn't stop talking about it with my husband.

My then I remembered that I didn't win the contest for Oct 5th...but I still had chances to Oct 6th and Oct 9th.

So I checked my email. Had to made a stop of out the talking....and just checked the freaking email.


I won the contest to meet Justin Bieber. Do you have any idea what is that for a Belieber? Yeah I know you do...I was freaaaaaaaaakinggggg dying because of this email:

I promised Bianca Sacks (@bieberbraziil that she's coming with me if I'd win for the Oct 6th. So after all the jumping and screaming I called Bianca to tall her that I won..and we were going to meet Justin Bieber.

She was dying on the phone..me and her could not believe in that. It's so many people dreaming about that. Be we were about to meet him.

The boy who taught us to never say never, to never give up on our dreams.

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