I was here


Let's Get This Show on the Road...for everyone.

As a member of bieberfever.com I could buy 4 tickets on pre-sale for Justin Bieber's concerts in Brazil.

Ok. I called my mom and asked her for money to buy some tickets (yeah I'm 26 and my mom is 47 and I asked her that). I mean some tickets because I had a Metal-on-Metal total hips arthroplasty in 2009 and couldn't go to the concert by myself. So my husband was going with me. I bought 6 tickets. I wanted to go to his 2 concerts in Rio and 1 in São Paulo. I'm a Belieber I told you that in the beginning. I'm not working because I had a surgery and now I have 2 more metals in me..but in my shoulder now. Yeah, I am a robot. So I don't get paid because I am home. So I had to ask my mom for money.

So, everything was set to go to Bieber's concert. My husband was going with me and that was it. NOT. As my husband doesn't like Bieber (he respects him and me) I thought it would be better if I could find someone who really likes Bieber to come with me. 

And then trough the twitter I could find lots of Beliebers and Boybeliebers to be with me in the concert...so I would not be alone.

BINGO! I found many, many, many fans that were able to come with me. So my husband was out of the play now...but I had 3 tickets left...so I decided to donate.

Let's find someone who couldn't afford for the tickets to Justin Bieber's concert in Brazil. 

Let's get this on...

I created a community in Orkut and asked people to join it. But I had 1 rule..ONLY PEOPLE WHO COULD NOT AFFORD FOR THE TICKETS. They had to tell me their story telling me why they could not buy the tickets. 

More than 700 stories of fans that really believe in Never Say Never and were trying to do EVERYTHING to go to this concert. The stories are not that cool. They made me sad a lot I couldn't believe I was going to help only 2 of them. I mean 2...because I met Rayssa Ribeiro (@TeamOurBieber) on twitter...and she told that she wasn't going to Bieber's concert...because she could not afford that. She was the first I met on twitter..and the first one that I was sure that I was helping.

It wasn't me that I was going to choose the one with the best story or whatever. I did randomly and 2 girls won.

But after I called their mother and everything was good to go, I mean..they won tickets for Bieber's concert...I talked to their mom..their were pretty happy....but in the end both of theirs mothers didn't let them to go. They did not believe that I was real. I can get that, I mean...I'm 26 now...and NEVER saw this girls...it was everything by internet. If I had a son or a daughter of 13 or so, I would not let them go either. It's no easy to believe in people if good heart. I understand that.

So I looked at myself with 2 tickets left still....but then I got an idea!

The community (it's in portuguese...but if you really want..you can put on google translate):

I also have to say that bieberfeverbrasil.com always help me with everything. They really helped me to donate this tickets for good people. Thank you.

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